October Updates from Lawn Doctor

October is here, which means that fall lawn care is still in full swing while we are also looking forward to some exciting winter updates as well! Keep reading to learn more.

Introducing Holiday Lighting Heroes!

Tired of messing with flimsy ladders and low-quality string lights every holiday season? Have no fear, Holiday Lighting Heroes are here! Our new sister company will be offering holiday lighting services with top-of-the-line products and service. Call us for a quote today!

Maintain Your Mower

It’s almost time to start thinking about tuning up your lawn mower! We offer free pickup and delivery with our maintenance package that includes cleaning, oil change, air filter change, blade sharpening and balancing, and spark plug replacement! Spots are limited, so contact us for more information!

Renew Your Service

It’s just about time for annual renewals! Our pricing will be staying the same for all services in 2024, and you should receive your renewal letter from us by Thanksgiving week. As always, prepaying for services will save you 5%. Make sure to take advantage of this offer before it’s too late!

Are You Aerating?

If you are planning to aerate your lawn this fall, here are a couple of important things to keep in mind:

  • You must use flags to mark anything that could be damaged by the aerator – this includes irrigation systems, invisible fences, cable lines, and anything else that is 4” underground or less. We ask that you use flags to mark these things because paint or other markers will not be as clearly visible to our technicians, and we want to aerate your lawn without damaging your property. If you have things that need to be marked but you are unable to do so, we recommend a liquid aeration for a similar result.
  • We can still do an aeration with leaf cover, as long as it is under 50%. If there are too many leaves present, we will have to reschedule the service. This is because too many leaves on the ground will gunk up our machines and prevent them from properly pulling out the soil cores.

Fall Lawn Care Tricks and Treats

Fall is a very important season for your lawn’s health, so it’s important to be aware of the tricks and the treats!

  • Trick: You should always rake all leaves off your lawn. Treat: When mulched with your mower, a mild to moderate amount of leaf cover can be beneficial for lawn health. The leaves break down into the soil, providing extra nutrients and even helping to reduce weeds. If your leaf cover gets to be too heavy (more than 50%) or your lawn is mostly shaded, we recommend clearing the bulk of the leaves with a leaf blower or rake – just be sure to be gentle!
  • Trick: Your lawn doesn’t need to be watered in the fall. Treat: Lawns need 1” to 1.5” of water every week when not dormant for the winter. If rainfall is not producing enough water each week, you should be using a hose or sprinkler to ensure your lawn stays properly hydrated!

We Want You to Love Your Lawn!

At Lawn Doctor, we prioritize the health and wellness of your lawn. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask our experts!

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