September Updates from Lawn Doctor

September is here, which means it is time to bid summer goodbye and welcome the arrival of fall! Keep reading to learn more about what your lawn needs this time of year.

Fall Service Expectations

With the changing of the seasons, our services change too. Here is what you should expect from us during your fall applications:

  • Expect us to apply a granular, time-release fertilizer to provide your lawn with the nutrition it needs to thrive. The last application is a winterizer fertilization, which has extra nutrients to help your grass survive the winter and come back greener in the spring.
  • Expect us to perform the service as usual if leaf cover is light to moderate – the fertilizer granules will simply roll off the leaves and into the soil. We will only need to reschedule service if the leaf cover is very heavy.
  • Expect us to spray broadleaf weeds as necessary – we will spot spray for minimal weeds, or blanket spray the yard if there are a lot of weeds. Each lawn is unique, and our techs are trained to do what is best for each individual lawn.
  • Expect weeds to curl up and turn brown within 7 to 10 days of being treated. If they do not, call us immediately so we can respray before your next scheduled service. Please note that the herbicide will not work if the temperature drops too low, at which point we will not apply it – we do not apply herbicide on the last application, which is only the winterizer fertilization.
  • Expect us to evaluate the condition of your lawn at each visit and to provide feedback on your invoice notes as needed.
  • Expect us to recommend a core aeration around this time of year, providing you did not just get a seeding done. Aerations help to break up compacted clay soil (which is very common in our region), and fall is the best time to do them.

As always, we want to remind you of what not to expect as well.

  • Do not expect all of the results you want right away. Improving the quality of your lawn is a process that can take up to 2 years of proper cultural care practices alongside regular treatments.
  • Do not expect perfect turf in areas where conditions are not ideal. The best example of this is heavily shaded yards where grass will naturally be thinner.
  • Do not expect us to recommend dethatching if your yard is healthy overall. Thatch can actually be helpful to your lawn, provided the layer is not too thick. Dethatching is generally not needed unless your lawn is being prepared for a seeding, and it can do more harm than good by tearing up the roots.
  • Do not expect to get a seeding any later than the first week of October. Early fall is the best time for seedings and will give the best chance for germination – if you were scheduled for a seeding and had to postpone it beyond that time for any reason, know that we will try to reschedule it for the spring or next fall.


Remember to Water Your Lawn!

Though the cooler temperatures are helping with heat stress, many lawns are still very dry. It is extremely important to keep watering your lawn throughout the season in order to ensure proper translocation of nutrients and products we apply. Translocation is like a railway for plants – the roots move water up to the leaves, and anything on the leaves is taken down through to the rest of the plant. This includes the energy created by photosynthesis, but also any additional products applied to the plant like our fertilizer or herbicide (though the main herbicide we use is designed to only kill the weeds and not the grass).

To ensure that everything works properly, we recommend watering your lawn 24 to 48 hours after each service. A regular lawn needs about 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week, and we recommend spacing this out into about two watering sessions a week – longer sessions allow the water to go deeper into the soil and promote better root growth and strength. However, if new seed was applied to your lawn, you will need to water it every day (unless it rains) for about 5 weeks to ensure that the seed germinates properly. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding lawn watering!


Did You Miss Seeding Season?

Seeding season is almost over! While we are fully booked for the remainder of this season, we highly recommend contacting us at the beginning of the new year so we can get you on the list for a spring or fall seeding.

If you need to seed a patch or small portion of your yard, you may want to consider seeding it on your own before mid-October. For a limited time, we are offering 5lb bags of our Tall Turf Type Fescue Blend grass seed for just $25! If you are interested, please contact us ASAP before supplies run out and seeding season fully ends!

We Want You to Love Your Lawn!

At Lawn Doctor, we prioritize the health and wellness of your lawn. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask our experts!

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