Residential Lawn Care in Columbus: 5 Lawn Terms You Should Know

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Columbus

There’s a unique language attached to lawn care. You may hear some of this lawn care-specific terminology from your neighbors, our technicians, or elsewhere, which is why it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of some key vocabulary. We’ll take a look at some of these important terms below, when they might pop up, and how they fight into the bigger picture of our residential lawn care in the Columbus, OH area.

Essential Terms for Residential Lawn Care in Columbus

Several different lawn care-specific terms can pop up throughout the treatment process. Here’s a look at a few of them:

1. Pre & Post-Emergent

A big part of our service is fighting weeds, and we utilize comprehensive products to effectively address a wide range of them. As a part of this process, you may hear us mention “pre-emergent” or “post-emergent” weed control. These terms refer to whether we’re attacking weeds that either have or have not yet broken through the surface of your lawn.

2. Compaction

Over time, the soil in your lawn can get packed together too tightly. This is called “compaction.” Getting compaction under control and preventing it from happening throughout the year is important because it preserves the healthy circulation of resources to your lawn’s root systems and gives these roots space to expand.

3. Red Thread

There are several lawn diseases that can appear in your lawn, and they can develop because of nutrient imbalances, moisture issues, and a handful of other problems. One of these diseases is called “red thread,” and it causes pinkish strands to appear in your grass. You may hear this term during your initial evaluation if our technicians spot it.

4. Brown Patch

“Brown patch” is another common lawn disease, and it looks just how you’d expect. Brown patch, like red thread, can be prevented through effective ongoing lawn maintenance, but it takes a fungicide to get rid of it once it’s settled in.

5. Scalping

Mowing affects your yard in a significant way, especially when you’re mowing your grass too short. Mowing too short is referred to as “scalping,” and it can cause issues with your lawn’s overall health by weakening your yard against weed infestations and sun damage.

We offer top-notch residential lawn care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Columbus
  • Upper Arlington
  • Westerville
  • New Albany
  • Powell
  • Dublin
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For residential lawn care in Columbus, contact us today!