Tips for Grass Care in Upper Arlington: What to Do Between Treatments

extremely green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Upper Arlington.

At Lawn Doctor of Columbus, our team utilizes professional grass care treatments to bring out the best in Upper Arlington, VA lawns. However, a wide range of issues can pop up between our visits, which is why it’s important to take some key upkeep steps between applications of our treatments. To give you a better idea of what steps you can take between our visits, we’ll go through them and how they help you maintain a healthier lawn below.

Keeping Your Yard Healthy Between Grass Care Treatments

You can take a wide range of steps between our treatments to keep your lawn looking its best over time. Here’s a quick overview of a few of them:

Designate a Specific Area for Your Pets

When pets do their business all over your lawn, they can leave unsightly spots behind. Pets can cause large patches of discoloration and dead grass in your yard, which is why it’s helpful to designate a specific area for their use. Adding mulch or gravel to these areas can add another layer of protection while also improving the overall look of your outdoor space.

Don’t Mow Too Short

It might seem like a good idea to mow your grass short, but short grass is much more vulnerable. Your grass can develop weaker root systems when consistently cutting it short. Keeping your lawn short also makes it easier for weeds to move in, so it’s crucial to mow high, even if it means mowing more often.

Water Deeply

Shallow watering also affects your root systems, causing them to weaken and become less resistant to drought. To keep your lawn healthier over time, make sure to water deeply.

Our Customized Grass Care for Upper Arlington Homeowners

Our initial lawn evaluation isn’t the only time we’ll assess your lawn’s needs. We’ll adjust our treatments continuously to work around your lawn’s needs as they change from season to season. With this flexible approach and our top-of-the-line treatments, we’ll give your lawn what it needs to thrive from season to season.

We offer proven grass care for homeowners located in the following areas:

  • Upper Arlington
  • Columbus
  • Westerville
  • New Albany
  • Powell
  • Dublin
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For grass care in Upper Arlington, contact us today!