Fall Lawn Weed Control in Columbus

lawn care services in Gahanna OH showing lawn weed control in ColumbusWant to gain the upper hand against frustrating weeds in your lawn? Fall actually provides the perfect season for lawn weed control across the Columbus, OH area. In fact, when you time applications correctly and apply the right products, you can treat and control two of the most stubborn and invasive weed types:

  • Winter annuals, like henbit, common chickweed, and corn speedwell. There are some lawn weeds common to Columbus that like to grow in cooler temperatures, requiring pre-emergent control. These grow in fall, survive winter, and spread vigorously come spring. They often die during summer, but not before flowering and dropping seeds into your lawn. These new seeds then continue the cycle unless you put a stop to it with lawn weed control in Columbus. It’s best to apply a product in the early fall, to get to these plants when they’re just developing.
  • Perennials, such as dandelion, Canada thistle, and quackgrass. Perennial weeds are tough to get a handle on because they tend to return year after year, establishing strong roots in your lawn as a result. Fall offers the best window to control them due to the way these plants grow. During cooler weather, they absorb energy into the root system to prepare for winter. The herbicides you apply will, therefore, reach the tap root, effectively killing the weed. In spring, this process reverses when energy flows upward to the leaves. Spring applications aren’t as effective, as a result.

In addition, even if your lawn weed treatment doesn’t fully eradicate the plant, it will weaken it. This means that going into harsh winter weather, the weed is less likely to survive and re-emerge come springtime.

Beyond Lawn Weed Control: Other Treatments to Focus on in Columbus

Fall is an excellent time of year in Columbus to perform a variety of other treatments in your lawn beyond weed control. For instance, it’s the perfect season in which to aerate and seed your lawn, dealing with heavy soil compaction and thickening up weak turf as you do. It’s also a good time for a healthy dose of fertilization. This will give your lawn the fuel it needs to get through the winter ahead and grow back thicker, stronger, and greener once temperatures start to rise again.

Ready to learn more? Call Lawn Doctor of Columbus today at (614) 771-1589. We offer free lawn weed control consultations to customers across Columbus, OH, as well as in other surrounding areas, including Upper Arlington, Westerville, New Albany, Powell, and Dublin.