Why is it Important to Choose a Local Lawn Care Service?

If the events of 2020 have taught us anything, it’s that shopping local is extremely important to many of us. There’s nothing like not being able to just pop in to the corner book store or your favorite coffee shop to make you realize how much you truly enjoyed having these unique, one-of-a-kind businesses available to you.  Even though we live in a world where everything is available online, being able to get things immediately and local is important.

But how does that apply to lawn care? Does it really matter if the people fertilizing, aerating, and seeding your lawn work for a local company or some anonymous national chain? Clearly, we have opinions on this matter. As a lawn care company in Holbrook, here’s why we think it’s important to choose a local provider:

Money spent locally stays local. There have been many studies on this issue, and it turns out that for every $100 spent with a local company, nearly $70 stays in the community. This money is vital to other local businesses, which employ local residents, who pay local taxes. These are the funds that are used for everything from road repair to our kids’ schools. When you choose a local lawn care service, you’re helping your community in ways that may not be very visible but are super important.

Lawn care requires specific area knowledge. The climate conditions and environmental factors that are prevalent here in Holbrook are in no way similar to those in Chicago, Dallas, or Phoenix. When you’re dealing with a national chain, you have no guarantee that the people working on your property have a thorough understanding of the area. Choosing a local lawn care company in Holbrook means you get experienced pros who know the nuances of caring for lawns in New England.