Soil Enrichment Plus

Lawn Doctor’s Soil Enrichment Plus is our exclusive, secret, summer weapon that sets us apart from the competition. This three step plan includes soil-enhancing elements like sea kelp, Humic acid and much more. It also includes liquid aeration plus fungus and insect control. We use golf course turf practices to deliver this proprietary blend of hugely beneficial ingredients. These ingredients diversify your lawn’s soil for an ecosystem that your grass can thrive in while also protecting it from the most common lawn issues. It will control a wide range of active fungal diseases and insects, but also yields the impressive long-term result of an overall strong, healthy lawn. Here’s what you need to know about Lawn Doctor’s Soil Enrichment Plus Program…

soil enrichment infographic
Soil Enrichment Plus Program includes:

  • Humic acid
  • Sea Kelp
  • Liquid aeration
  • Microbe stimulants
  • Fungus control
  • Insect control
  • And much more!

The Soil Enrichment Plus Program benefits your lawn by

  • Making it a darker green color
  • Creating deeper root growth for better water absorption and retention to withstand drought
  • Boosting microbial life that helps combat disease and reduce thatch
  • Fertilizer and nutrients are absorbed more efficiently
  • Protecting from turf damaging insects like Chinch Bugs and Sod Webworm
  • Controlling and preventing lawn fungi like Red Thread and Dollar Spot

Your Soil is the most important part of your lawn, but it is often overlooked. The best way to improve your lawn is to improve your soil. The best way to do that is with our Soil Enrichment Plus Program.