Dengue Fever: What Is It & How Concerned Do You Need to Be About It

The news of a deadly Dengue Fever outbreak in Peru has some Rockland residents worried. What is this disease that has killed so many people? Is Dengue Fever a concern for residents of the United States? What role do mosquitoes play in the spread of Dengue Fever? How is climate change impacting how we address Dengue Fever?

That’s a lot of questions for a Rockland mosquito control service, but we’ll do our best to answer.

Dengue Fever is also known as Breakbone Fever. It’s a viral disease spread by mosquito bites, and frankly, it’s a pretty nasty disease – especially if you catch it repeatedly. Mild cases of Dengue Fever involve nausea, rash and aches and pains – especially behind the eyes. Severe Dengue can be life-threatening, with symptoms including bleeding and shock.

Should Dengue Fever concern you here in the United States? While Dengue Fever has been relatively rare in the continental US, there have been outbreaks over the years. Texas and Hawaii have had significant Dengue Fever outbreaks. The mosquitoes that spread Dengue thrive in areas where it is hot and humid. Extreme weather events and climate change have made some regions more favorable to mosquitoes than they have previously been. Dengue Fever continues to be a concern of the CDC, and it is reasonable to take precautions against getting this deadly disease.

The best way to prevent Dengue Fever is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. While other animals can transmit Dengue, mosquitoes are by far the most common vector of contagion. Mosquito control services in Rockland are available during the warm weather months. Using a combination of environmental controls – identifying and eliminating mosquito breeding sites – and family and pet safe products, these professionals help keep family and business properties free from the risk of Dengue Fever and other mosquito-borne illnesses.