Summer Wedding Checklist Item: Mosquito-Proof the Yard

If you’re planning an outdoor wedding in Hanover this summer, one item that needs to be on your to-do list is eliminating mosquitoes from your venue. If you’re working with a professional venue, ask them about what plans they have in place for insect control. If you’re having the wedding on your own property, here’s what you need to know:

Mosquitos breed in standing water.

If you want to mosquito-proof your yard, the first step is to identify and eliminate the areas where mosquitoes breed. This means any standing pools of water, such as puddles in the lawn, water that has pooled in kid’s toys, the saucers underneath flowerpots – it all has to go. Mosquitoes can breed hundreds and hundreds of new mosquitoes in less than a cup of water.

Choose family and pet safe mosquito control services.

The next step in mosquito-proofing the yard for your summer wedding is to have the local mosquito control service come in and treat the area. This means using special family and pet safe products to spray the nesting sites where mosquitoes live. This will eliminate the adult and developing mosquitoes from your property.

The best time to have this treatment done is a week to ten days before your wedding. If you’d like to keep your lawn mosquito free all summer long, this treatment can be repeated on an as-needed basis.

Special day event spraying provides extra protection from biting mosquitoes.

The day before your wedding, Hanover mosquito control services will apply family and pet safe products around the perimeter of your event space. This will repel mosquitoes and other flying insects. This is an extra level of protection for your wedding day.

Schedule Mosquito Control Services for Your Summer Wedding

It’s not too soon to let your local lawn service know you’ll need mosquito control services for your wedding or special event. Call now, and they’ll get you on the calendar. Then you’ve got one more task crossed off your summer wedding checklist – great job!