Satisfaction Guarantee

Your Peace of Mind is Our Priority

With Lawn Doctor’s ongoing satisfaction guarantee, you’ll always have comfort in knowing that your satisfaction is our number-one priority. We know that our patented equipment and uniquely-formulated lawn care treatments will deliver quality results all season long. However, we also know that our customers deserve an unmatched level of customer service and peace of mind.


Confidence in our Lawn Care Products

Our exclusive and ongoing satisfaction guarantee means that if at any time, you’re not completely satisfied with the results of our lawn care applications, all you need to do is let us know. We will either reapply that application at no charge, or refund you the full cost of that application. The only condition is that you have the on-going and uninterrupted Lawn Doctor Annual Maintainer Program in effect.


Call 732-246-1101  today for a FREE lawn care evaluation.