Lawn Weed Control from Lawn Doctor of Edison

Nobody wants unsightly weeds in their lawn, but removing them can be incredibly frustrating. With lawn weed control from Lawn Doctor of Edison, you don’t have to worry – we get rid of weeds, and make sure they don’t come back. Our treatment options tackle the heartiest weeds, like clover and dandelions, but we also offer crabgrass control so that your lawn fertilization efforts aren’t perpetuating your weed problem.

Our Local Professionals are Experts at Lawn Weed Control

The hardest part of ridding your lawn of weeds is trying to figure out what type of growth you’re dealClose up of blades of lawn weed control grassing with, and the best way to get rid of it. That’s why Lawn Doctor of Edison is an obvious choice for lawn weed control services. All the professionals on our team are local experts. We know the climate, we know how it affects your turf and weeds, and we know the types of unsightly plants that thrive and grow in Edison and the surrounding areas.

Lawn weed control from Lawn Doctor of Edison includes:

  • Broadleaf Weeds (Includes Wild Violets, Dandelions, and Clover)
  • Grassy Weeds (Includes Crabgrass)
  • Perennial Weeds
  • Annual Weeds
  • Cool-Season Weeds
  • Warm-Season Weeds

Preventative Weed Treatment with Lawn Maintainer

Because weeds can grow year-round, your lawn needs constant vigilance. We offer a year-round lawn care and maintenance program, Lawn Maintainer. With the Lawn Maintainer program you receive lawn weed control and pre-emergent weed control treatments. All treatments are applied routinely, to keep weeds from taking root. Instead of waiting for your lawn to become overgrown, our treatments can keep your lawn looking beautiful and healthy all year-round.

We Stand by Our Weed Control Services

You can truly depend on Lawn Doctor of Edison to keep your lawn weed-free with our satisfaction guarantee. Simply put, if you’re not satisfied with the lawn weed control services we’ve provided, then our professionals will either reapply the treatment or give you a refund. We stand by our weed control at Lawn Doctor of Edison, so you can trust our professionals to give your lawn the care it deserves.

Call Lawn Doctor of Edison today at 732-246-1101 to discuss our lawn weed control and Lawn Maintainer services.