Lawn Maintenance

Our Comprehensive Lawn Maintainer Program Produces Lush, Healthy Lawns

At Lawn Doctor, we understand the importance of your outdoor landscape. We know it’s more than just grass – your lawn is part of your home investment and more importantly, it’s where you enjoy time with your family and friends. We also know the value you place on quality lawn care – and personal service. As your locally-owned Lawn Doctor, our services are vital in ensuring the health and beauty of your outdoor landscape and your family’s quality of life. That’s something we don’t take lightly.

Custom Lawn Care

Our relationship with our customers begins with a comprehensive FREE Lawn Care Evaluation, where we assess the particular needs each individual lawn. This evaluation allows Lawn Doctor to determine the combination of treatment applications that will best address your lawn.

Why Our Maintainer Program Works

Lawn Doctor’s Annual Maintainer Program consists of six carefully-formulated applications that include lawn fertilization, crabgrass control, broadleaf weed control and pest control. Our exclusive Turf Tamer® lawn maintenance equipment is unique, proven and efficient – treating every inch of your lawn with the right combination of formulas designed to address your particular lawn needs.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Lawn Doctor customers also enjoy peace of mind with our exclusive satisfaction guarantee*. If you’re ever not completely satisfied with any one of our Annual Maintainer lawn care applications, just let us know. Lawn Doctor will either return and reapply that lawn application at no additional charge or refund the full cost of the last lawn care application.

*Some restrictions apply.

Call 732-246-1101  today for a FREE lawn care evaluation.