Understanding Lawn Aeration: A Homeowner’s Guide to Great Grass

Success is a marathon, not a sprint. You may have seen this philosophy applied to business or even at the gym. Regular effort over time will move you closer to your goals than short, intense bursts of activity. If your goal is to have a yard full of healthy green grass, it helps to remember that success is a marathon, not a sprint.

Keeping a lawn healthy requires much of the same type of care that an athlete needs to stay in top form. Nutrition is the top concern. Athletes follow carefully calibrated diets to get the right amounts of protein, nutrients, and necessary minerals. For plants, fertilizer fills this role. It is a power-packed growth formula specially selected for the unique growing environment in your landscape.

Some landscapes have challenging soil. In instances where the soil is rock hard – the places where you wouldn’t want to have to shovel a hole and water never penetrates the soil – it’s very difficult to get the grass to grow. The process of loosening the soil to allow for healthy grass growth is called lawn aeration.

Lawn aeration is the process of introducing thousands and thousands of tiny holes into the surface of the lawn. These holes are each about the size of a pencil eraser, and they are just deep enough to loosen the compacted soil. Sunlight, water, and fertilizer can now more easily penetrate below the surface of the soil, making grass growth easier.

The success being a marathon not a sprint concept comes into play because lawn aeration delivers the best results when done repeatedly. Soil that has had years and years to become heavily compacted will not completely loosen up after a single aeration. It is the process of working over the soil once or twice a year for some time that delivers the very best results. Luckily lawn aeration is a very affordable lawn care service. The return on investment is more than paid off with the strong and lush grass growth that results.

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