Lawn Aeration: The Chemical Free Way to Boost Grass Growth

If you’re interested in having a vibrant, healthy lawn – but you’re not interested in adding harsh and potentially harmful chemicals to the yard where the kids and fur babies play – you’ll want to know about lawn aeration.

Lawn aeration is an all-natural, chemical free way to boost grass growth in your yard. One of the things you need to know about your home’s landscaping is that grass has roots, and those roots need to be able to stretch out through the soil. That’s how they collect the moisture and nutrition the grass needs to be green, healthy, and strong.

Sometimes the soil is not ideal for grass growth. In this part of Massachusetts, heavy clay soils are abundant. When these soils are put under pressure – such as when vehicles drive over it, or heavy foot traffic occurs over a sustained period of time – this soil becomes denser and more compacted. Grass growth is negatively impacted. It’s not unusual to see areas of heavily compacted soil exhibiting bare patches of soil where grass won’t grow at all. In some places, grass will grow in compacted soil, but it’s clearly struggling.

Lawn Aerators in Massachusetts: Find the Best Local Provider

Lawn aeration loosens the soil where the grass’s roots need to grow. This is achieved by the process of introducing thousands and thousands of holes into the surface of your lawn. Now you may say I do not want a lawn full of holes. I am not interested in Swiss Cheese landscaping. But you do not have to worry, because these holes are only the size of a pencil eraser – very small and not visible to the naked eye.

But what these holes do for your lawn is almost magical. All of a sudden, the grass can stretch out its roots. All of a sudden, rainwater, oxygen, and any fertilizer you put on the lawn can make it directly to the roots in a fast way. Grass growth becomes both faster and stronger. No chemicals, all natural, completely safe for your family and pets – lawn aeration is a game changer!