Residential Lawn Care In Framingham: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Couple on the grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care In Framingham

Caring for your lawn can be a complicated process. And because of how many steps are often involved in lawn maintenance, there’s a lot of misinformation out there surrounding what works and what doesn’t. This is an issue because employing some of the practices suggested by this misinformation can be a step backward in your lawn’s development, and can even cause harm. Below, we’ll highlight some of the myths surrounding residential lawn care in Framingham, MA and the truth about them.

4 Common Residential Lawn Care Myths

There are several residential lawn care myths out there. Let’s take a look at a few of them to help you separate fact from fiction:

1. Fertilization is only necessary once or twice per year. Your lawn relies on maintaining a healthy nutrient balance to stay green and growing over time. Fertilizing your yard only once or twice per year simply doesn’t fulfill those needs or effectively regulate long-term nutrient levels in your soil. At Lawn Doctor of Boston, we get the best results possible from fertilization by spreading our treatments out throughout the spring, summer, and fall months and giving your lawn exactly what it needs when it’s needed.

2. Pulling weeds is the best way to fight them. If any part of the weed is left behind when you pull them, which can be a frequent occurrence, these invasive plants can regenerate, spread their seeds, and continue taking over your home’s outdoor spaces. We use advanced weed control products that eliminate the entire plant and its root system to bring you long-lasting results.

3. Mowing short is a great way to save time. Mowing grass too short is an extremely common lawn care mistake. When you cut your grass too short, it’s easier for weeds to invade, for lawn diseases to develop, and for the sun to damage your grass. For the best results, mow high and mow often.

4. Watering your grass every day is ideal. Along with being incredibly time-consuming, watering your grass every day makes it weaker. Frequent watering leads to shallow root systems, which are less resistant to drought conditions and other issues.

Our Proven Residential Lawn Care In Framingham

Choosing the professional residential lawn care we offer at Lawn Doctor of Boston means working with pros. We use proven treatments to bring out the best in your yard and keep it healthier through the seasons. We offer our top-notch lawn care solutions to our neighbors in:

  • Framingham
  • Needham
  • Newton
  • Milton
  • Dedham
  • Braintree
  • Weymouth
  • Metro West
  • Quincy
  • Boston
  • Hingham
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

To get started with our residential lawn care in Framingham, contact us today!