How Often Should My Yard Be Treated for Mosquitoes?

The frequency of rain events determines how often mosquito control services are needed. This year, we’ve had several heavy rain events that have put a lot of water into the local environment. While it’s natural for us to focus on things like road conditions and storm drains, mosquitos notice how many new attractive breeding sites there are in the area. Every puddle, even the tiny ones, has the potential to be the nursery for thousands of new mosquitoes.

In a dry season, we – a mosquito control service in Jamaica Plain – generally see homeowners two to three times a year. This frequency allows for reapplication of products to eliminate any new adult mosquitoes that have flown onto the property. In dry weather, it’s easy for homeowners to stay ahead of the mosquitoes by making sure there’s no standing water on the property.

Mosquito Control During Rainy Weather: The Challenges

There are many different types of rain events that can be experienced in Jamaica Plain and surrounding communities. Intense short duration storms that deliver inches of rain may seem more dramatic than a steady stream of gentle showers over the course of a week, but the truth is that both types of events wash away mosquito control product applications and increase the number of breeding sites on a property.

The only effective strategy is to increase the number of times mosquito control services are utilized over the course of a season. In those instances where mosquito control is a high priority – such as on hospitality properties or when health concerns make avoiding being bitten an imperative – mosquito control can be applied on a weekly basis.

It can be very frustrating to experience a major rain event immediately after mosquito control services have just treated the property. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on the weather forecast when scheduling services. No forecast is perfect, unfortunately, but eventually these rainy skies will turn sunny once again.