Jump Start Your Lawn’s Success with Power Seeding

If your lawn was lackluster last year, now is the time to turn your green grass game around. We’re here with insider lawn care secrets from Massachusett’s best lawn care service. We asked what were the most effective ways to jump start a lawn’s appearance.

Answer number one: Power Seeding. If you want lush, full green grass, you need grass growing in your yard. And as we all know, grass comes from grass seed. In the olden days, you’d see people scattering grass seed around their lawn by hand or by using a primitive mechanical seed spreader. This is known as the broadcast method of seeding, and it works, sort of.

The problem with broadcast seeding is twofold. First of all, unless you’re really really practiced at it, it’s very difficult to evenly and consistently apply grass seed to an entire lawn. It’s very likely to wind up with lots of seeds in one area and not so many in another. The result – an uneven, patchy lawn.

The second problem with the broadcast method is a lot of grass seeds don’t actually grow. Each type of seed needs specific conditions to germinate, grow, and flourish. Grass in particular needs the seed to be in contact with the soil for germination. When you broadcast seed, you have no way to guarantee that the seed winds up actually touching the ground. Seeds can land on top of other things, or on end, so only a small portion of the seed is actually in contact with the soil. When this happens, the grass seed may not grow.

Power Seeding is a service your local lawn service provides that jump starts grass growth. Specially selected grass seeds are coated with a layer of growth-boosting nutrition and then, using a special machine, distributed directly into the soil of your lawn. Soil contact is maximized, so growth is fast and healthy. Power Seeding also results in consistently even seed distribution across the lawn.