Jump Start Your Spring Lawn Successfully: 3 Secrets from Wellesley Homeowners

“Last year, my lawn was not so great,” David said. “There was one area over here that I had really great grass – from the side of the house over to the fence, down to the curb. My pride and joy,” he laughed. “But directly in front of the house, where I need the grass to look its best,  there are big patchy areas where nothing will grow at all. I must have seeded that lawn 30 times. But nothing grows.”

David lives in the Wellesley, MA area – a neighborhood with its fair share of beautiful lawns. So we asked local residents what their secrets to great grass were. Keep reading to learn how they enjoy reliably great grass for very little effort.

Green Grass Secret #1: Soil Aeration

One of the things you need to know about the soil in Wellesley is that there are places where it’s really quite heavily compacted. This is partially due to the composition of the soil itself, with very closely spaced particles that can get hard as concrete. Heavily compacted soil is also prevalent in areas where there’s a lot of foot traffic, either from children playing, neighborhood construction, or similar activities.

Soil aeration is a service provided by the lawn care service in Wellesley, MA. Using a special piece of equipment, many small holes are introduced into the soil. This loosens things up, making it easier for fertilizer, rain water and oxygen to reach plant roots.

Green Grass Secret #2: Power Seeding

The most common way people plant grass seed is broadcast method – basically throwing handfuls of grass seed around the yard in the hopes that some will grow. A more efficient and successful method is power seeding, in which machinery is used to introduce special grass seeds – generally pelletized with a jump-start growth formula – directly into the soil. This maximizes soil/seed contact and results in great grass growth.

Green Grass Secret #3: Fertilizer

Grass needs fertilizer just like people need food. It’s the nutrition that spurs healthy growth. Your Wellesley MA lawn care service can help you out with fertilization in the spring, mid-summer, and just before the winter snows arrive.