Halloween Decorating Reveals Scary State of Weymouth Lawn

“It’s not like I was ignoring the yard on purpose,” Marvin said. “Life’s been busy, with work and the kids and everything. It wasn’t even until this weekend that I managed to get out there and put some Halloween decorations up.” At that moment, Marvin realized things really weren’t that great in his Weymouth lawn. “The grass is deader than dead. It crunches when I walk on it, and there are these big brown bare patches by the kids’ playhouse. I don’t know if we’re going to have any kind of lawn at all next year.”

This summer’s drought conditions have definitely been tough on Weymouth yards. There’s not much that can be done to address dead grass and bare patches right now, but working with your Weymouth lawn service you can take steps to ensure next year’s yard looks much better. The grass that is gone needs to be replanted. Power seeding puts fertilized grass seed all over your yard, putting a special focus on those high traffic areas that look especially scary right now.

Throughout the winter, the snow cover will return much needed moisture to the soil. At the same time, those specially selected hardy grass seeds will be germinating, developing the healthy, strong root system they need to thrive. When spring comes around and the snow melts, you’ll see the first green growth of your new lawn appearing.

Over the course of the spring and summer, your Weymouth lawn service can keep your new grass mowed and fertilized properly. This will help your yard get established early, giving it the head start it needs to be strong and vibrant in the face of whatever growing challenges next year holds. “For someone like me, who has a busy life and still wants a good looking lawn, it’s the perfect solution,” Marvin said. “Next year, the only scary thing in my lawn come Halloween will be the decorations.”