Chemical Free Lawn Care & Pest Control

“My son Chase has some health issues,” Linda said. “There are a number of chemicals he’s sensitive to, and when he has a reaction, he basically stops breathing. It’s terrifying. In our home, we’re very green: every cleanser I use is checked to make sure it doesn’t contain anything he’s sensitive to. We’re careful with soaps and shampoos. But what about outdoors? Is there such a thing as chemical free lawn care and pest control?”

Over the years we’ve been providing lawn care in Abington and surrounding communities, we’ve heard more and more families express a need for chemical free lawn care and pest control. And we’ve learned that the phrase chemical free means different things to different families. We offer all-natural lawn care and pest control services, and make information about the ingredients in the products we use available to any family that’s considering working with us. These products have been specially formulated to be safe for children and pets to be around, while being effective. We totally understand that parents will want to double and triple check to be sure their yards continue to be safe places for their children to grow and thrive.

“I actually brought the list of ingredients in the products our lawn service uses to Chase’s doctor, and we went over it together. That gave me the confidence to move forward, and I’m glad we did. We’ve already seen a dramatic decrease in the number of mosquitoes on our property. With the number of diseases mosquitoes carry, I’m glad they’re not around – we don’t need Chase getting Lyme Disease or something even worse on top of everything else!”

“Raising a child with multiple chemical sensitivities means being extra diligent about things like lawn care and pest control,” Linda said. “But when you find a Abington lawn care company that’s willing to work with you, who understands the importance of keeping your child safe as possible, that makes all the difference.”