Braintree Lawn Treatments: Because Nutrition Matters

“When I really started getting serious about my health, the first thing I had to look at was my nutrition,” Shelby said. The Braintree mother of two has recently begun training for her first half-marathon; she ran four 5Ks last year and wants to push herself. “The way I was eating was fine as long as I didn’t do anything too taxing, but for real running? I needed way more protein, way more real nutrition and less empty calories.”

Lawns have nutritional needs just like people do. “The way I see it, the harder a lawn has to work to look green and healthy, the more nutrition it probably needs,” Shelby explained. “Our kids play on this yard, with the dog – the grass gets a lot of wear and tear. And of course with this drought, it was probably hard work just surviving!”

Lawn treatments are like protein shakes for your yard. They provide a high dose of superior nutrition directly to your yard’s surface, distributed in such a way that it can quickly and effectively be absorbed by the grass’ root system. Lawn Doctor Boston’s lawn treatments are specially customized to meet the unique nutritional needs of your yard, fertilizing and enriching the soil. The result is greener grass that’s better prepared to stand up to heavy traffic, drought and other extreme weather conditions, and more.

The best time for lawn treatments in Braintree are the late fall and spring. Some homeowners also choose to feed in the summer; your Braintree lawn service will work closely with you to determine your lawn’s needs. “This was a hard year for a lot of lawns, but ours wound up looking pretty good, all things considered,” Shelby said. “I really believe the lawn treatments helped our grass stay healthier longer, and we’ll be continuing the lawn treatments next year!”