It’s Time to Feed the Lawn!

With summer well underway, your lawn might be looking fabulous. That’s due to the combination of high quality seed, superior fertilization, and of course all the mowing you do to keep the yard looking fantastic. Don’t let your lawn suffer a mid-season slump: schedule fertilization now!

What’s Mid-Season Slump?

Massachusetts summers run the gamut from hot and dry to wild, wet and windy. No matter what the conditions are, they’re taking their toll on the grass. Environmental stressors mean grass has to work harder to grow well. The plants roots are stretching further and further to find nutrition in the soil. The result: a battered, tired looking lawn. You may see brown or yellow grasses – surefire indicators that the lawn is under stress.

What’s the Solution to Mid-Season Slump?

If you’ve ever found your energy and enthusiasm lagging partway through a long work day, you know how a well-timed snack can really save the day. Well, from your lawn’s perspective, that well-timed snack is mid-summer fertilization. A carefully selected mix of minerals, nutrients, and organic materials, fertilizer gives your lawn the nutritional boost it needs to power through the rest of the season. If you want strong, green healthy grass all summer long, have your lawn care service fertilize now.

What About Winter?

Some people, quite justifiably, worry about the impact the long Massachusetts winter has on their lawns. Snow and ice cover the landscape for months at a time. How will the grass survive? Help your grass stay strong all winter long by having your local lawn service fertilize the lawn one more time, at the end of the growing season. Locally, that means late September through early November. This final feeding will help your grass stay strong.