Summer Patch: Yet Another Fungal Disease That Makes Your Lawn Look Bad

“I’ll tell you what – getting really involved with the garden and lawn made me highly aware of how the planet is really complex and full of life,” Stephen said. The South Shore homeowner took up gardening during the pandemic, and by this point, he admits to being “more than a little obsessed.”

“When my yard isn’t looking the way I want it to, I want to know what is going on. For example, when we first moved in, there were all of these little volcanoes of dirt that would just show up everywhere. Not very big – maybe half a foot tall?” Stephen explained. “It turned out that these were moles causing issues. So we dealt with that. And then we had an issue with Brown Patch, which is a fungus disease that impacts lawns in this part of Massachusetts.

So when I saw patches forming in the lawn this summer, I thought I knew what was going on. I got on the phone to the local lawn service, so I could have the lawn treated and figure out what I needed to change in terms of my fertilizer routine. But it turns out Brown Patch is the fungal disease your lawn can get when it’s cold outside. Summer Patch is the fungal disease your lawn can get when the weather is nice.”

What Are the Signs of Summer Patch?

Summer Patch is a disease of bluegrass and other turf grasses. It’s caused by the fungus Magnaporthe poae. Signs of Summer Patch emerge slowly during warm weather periods. Small circular patches of yellow to golden bronze colored grass begin to emerge as grass growth slows then stops. You’re most likely to see Summer Patch spreading after periods of heavy rain or overwatering. Heat and drought stress can cause Summer Patch symptoms to intensify. To remedy Summer Patch, you’ll want to work with your local lawn service for a customized solution.