I Don’t Want My Child Getting Sick from Mosquito Bites: What Can I Do?

“My kids love to play outside. If they had their way, they’d be outside from sun up to sundown,” Shanna laughed. “But I am concerned about them getting ill due to the many mosquitoes that populate our yard. Is there anything I can do to keep them safe?”

Mosquito-Borne Illnesses Continue to Pose a Health Risk to Carver Residents

As a lawn care company in Carver, we know that families here and in nearby Massachusetts communities are vulnerable to the threat of mosquito-borne diseases. Mosquitoes have been proven to carry many dangerous viruses, including Zika, Denge Fever, EEE, West Nile, and more.

How can you tell if a mosquito that has bitten you is sick? The answer is you can’t. There is no known way at this time for the average person to visually determine if a mosquito that bit them was carrying any dangerous viruses. The only way you will know if it was infected is if symptoms of disease develop. As many of these diseases are quite serious and potentially fatal, that is not reassuring news.

Luckily, your local Carver lawn service can help. The service you need to keep mosquitoes out of your yard is called mosquito control. Trained technicians come to your property to identify and remove mosquito breeding sites. These are generally small pools of standing water. Thousands of mosquitoes can breed in just a few cupfuls of water, so this is an important part of the process.

The next step in mosquito control is the elimination of developing mosquitoes – called nymphs – and the adult mosquitoes, which is the ones that bite you. Many people do not know that mosquitoes sleep in accumulated leaf litter and other organic debris on the ground, but this is in fact the case. You will see your lawn service treating these areas with family and pet safe products.

When this process is done, the mosquitoes will be gone from your property. Products are used to keep the mosquitoes from returning. These products will need to be reapplied throughout the warm weather months. This is how you can minimize the risk of mosquito-borne illness to your family.