Is Your Lawn Malnourished? Grass Color Gives a Clue About Lawn Health

A good looking lawn is a healthy lawn. You can achieve this by understanding what your grass needs to thrive and providing those elements. But how do you know what your lawn needs? Sometimes the color of your grass can give you a clue about what’s going on.

If your grass is yellow:

Yellow grass is a sign that the grass is stressed. This stress can have several causes, but they all ultimately boil down to the fact that something is blocking your grass from receiving adequate nutrition.

This could be a lack of water – water is a vital nutrient for grass – or too much water, which prevents the grass from absorbing adequate amounts of oxygen and other nutrients.
Ironically, yellow grass can result from having too much fertilizer applied. Pet droppings and other agricultural waste can yellow grass. Additionally, yellow grass can be a sign that there’s some disease agent troubling your grass.

How do you know which problem is your lawn’s specific problem? Take advantage of your local lawn service’s expertise. They will help you pinpoint the cause and help you address the issue.

If your grass is brown:

Brown grass is a sign that your grass has gone dormant. Dormant is like sleep mode for grass. It’s there but it’s not doing too much. This happens often due to environmental conditions, such as too much heat, not enough water, or too many insects.

Often it’s possible to determine the cause of brown grass. Droughts and changing climate are creating difficulties for many lawns. Consult with your local lawn service to see if it’s appropriate to switch your lawn to a type of grass more suited to the new growing conditions. Power seeding is the quickest route to achieving a healthy new lawn quickly. Your lawn service can do this for you in the spring so you have a fantastic landscape in the summer.