Flea Control in Brentwood: Tips for Pet Owners

Lawn inspector inspecting during flea control in BrentwoodFleas are some of the most bothersome insects that can make their way into your home’s outdoor spaces. These pests can take a heavy toll on the general health and well-being of your pets, and their ability to hide in their fur allows them to get into your house if they’re left unaddressed. At Lawn Doctor of SE New Hampshire, we fight these pests outside to protect your pets and prevent these insects from getting inside. We make quick work of these pests with our flea control in Brentwood, but there are additional steps you can take to prevent flea attacks.

Top Tips to Keep Fleas Off Your Pets

To minimize the chances of fleas attacking your pets, there are a few key steps that need to be taken. Let’s take a closer look at a few of them:

At Home

If fleas are hanging out in your yard, it’s generally because they have a food source lingering around. Fleas are typically brought into your yard by small animals, which is why eliminating potential breeding grounds and hiding spots for these animals is an essential step toward protecting your pets from fleas. Routinely checking your pets’ fur for fleas and washing them with flea shampoos are also crucial when it comes to protecting your pets from these insects, but make sure to consult your vet for the ideal bathing schedule.

Away From Home

Although you won’t be able to manage your environment away from home like you can manage your yard, you can still take steps to prevent fleas from attacking your pets. Limiting your pets’ contact with other animals and their hiding spots can go a long way toward preventing flea attacks. Sticking to the middle of walking paths and avoiding areas with tall grass and dense vegetation can also help you keep fleas off your pets.

Our Comprehensive Flea Control in Brentwood

Because of the small and invasive nature of fleas, taking a comprehensive approach toward fighting them is essential. That’s where our treatments come in. Our professional flea control solutions utilize advanced products and a proven process to bring you top-notch protection from these pests.

We offer advanced flea control solutions to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Brentwood
  • Exeter
  • Kingston
  • Hampton
  • Dover
  • Hampstead
  • Epping
  • Salem
  • Haverhill, MA
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For flea control in Brentwood, contact us today!