Sad Lawn = Sad Homeowner. What Can You Do Now to Be Happier in the Spring

Are you discouraged by the appearance of your lawn? Are you struggling with yellow or dying grass, or areas where the grass just won’t grow at all? Are weeds a problem in your lawn? Is there just too much crabgrass?

As a homeowner, it’s natural that you have emotions about the appearance of your lawn. If you’re on a search for joy, and you’re looking for ways to maximize the enjoyment you experience in life, one way to get there is by having a lawn you feel good about.

A lot of people are hesitant about lawn care. If you don’t have any experience being in charge of the grass, or if no one’s ever told you what’s involved in taking care of the typical lawn, it can seem really overwhelming. But good lawn care can be super simple, and there’s help for the parts you don’t want to do yourself.

Let’s start with the step that will have the most positive impact on your lawn fast. This is fertilization. Grass needs fertilizer the way people need food. The soil doesn’t contain everything you need for optimal grass growth. Fertilizer is a nutritional supplement for your lawn.

The number one thing you can do to have a happier lawn in spring is to fertilize in the fall.

Fertilizing the lawn is a good task to delegate to your local lawn service – it’s physical and time-consuming. If you want to do this job yourself, make sure you choose a fertilizer that’s appropriate for the growing conditions in your yard. Not sure how to do that? Again, the local lawn service can help.

Now about those weeds. Crabgrass spreads quickly and is difficult to get rid of. The only successful remedy is to eliminate crabgrass in the soil, before it sprouts. This is known as pre-emergent weed control. Having your local lawn service address the weed issue now will make for a happier lawn next spring.