Setting Goals for the 2022 Lawn: Green Grass, Weed Free, No Mosquitoes

Some people start thinking about their New Year’s Resolutions early. If you’re among that set and you’re trying to figure out what you need to do to have the best lawn ever in 2022, plan on doing the following:

Commit to a Healthy Fertilization Routine

Just like you need a healthy diet to look great, your lawn needs the right combination of minerals and nutrients to thrive. Talk to your Weston lawn care service about the ideal mix for your yard’s microclimate, and plan on having it applied three times. The spring fertilization is to give your lawn a jump start on the growing season. The midsummer fertilization is to keep performance strong and then, just before winter arrives, a third fertilization helps strengthen and sustain grass throughout the cold winter.

You Can Be Weed Free if You Want To

Hate crabgrass? You’re not alone. Go through 2022 without ever being stressed out by having your lawn care service provide Pre-Emergent Weed Control. This means eliminating the weeds before they even get a chance to start growing.  Works on crabgrass and other local broad-leafed weeds. The treatment is family and pet safe. Best of all, you never have to pull a single weed. Lawn care in Weston has never been easier.

Bye Bye Biting Mosquitoes

If you’re concerned about keeping the family healthy in 2022, you want to know about Yard Guard Pest Prevention. Mosquitoes present a real health hazard. They carry dangerous diseases that could make your family sick. Banish them from your presence by having the lawn service team find and eliminate where the mosquitoes lay their eggs, raise their young, and take their naps in between bouts of flying around biting people and animals. The products used are family and pet safe. And we promise, if your kids don’t ever experience being bitten by a mosquito, they’re not going to miss it!