How Do I Keep Mosquitoes From Ruining My Kids’ Summer?

“We’re planning on making one short trip to see my husband’s parents this summer, but otherwise, we’re staying pretty close to home,” Denise said. “What I want to know is how to keep mosquitoes from ruining the summer for us. Last year, the kids got covered in bites – it was awful, I just gave up and kept everybody indoors. What’s the alternative?”

Don’t Let Mosquitoes Ruin Your Summer!

Mosquitoes aren’t just annoying, they’re dangerous. These flying, biting insects spread many different dangerous diseases, including Zika, Malaria, West Nile and more. The best way to prevent the spread of insect-borne diseases is to remove the insects from the area.

That’s exactly what your lawn care company near Waltham, MA does as part of its Mosquito Control Service. These skilled professionals remove mosquitoes at all stages of development – egg, nymph, and adult – so your property can be mosquito free.

Here’s how it works. First, the lawn care professionals survey your property. They’re looking for the areas where standing water collects. This can include puddles, inside gutter pipes, in flowerpot saucers and more. Even the tiniest puddles are large enough to serve as a nursery for hundreds of mosquito eggs.

Once the eggs and developing mosquitoes – the nymphs – are identified and eliminated, the lawn care professionals use a family and pet safe product to wipe out adult mosquitoes in the areas where they sleep. This most often occurs in shrubberies and in the layers of leaf litter that can accumulate under trees and in wooded areas on your property.

This treatment will keep your property mosquito free for a while. But just like kids get dirty and need another bath, your lawn will need repeated mosquito prevention treatments to keep all of the mosquitoes away. How frequently treatment is needed depends on how wet your property is and the proximity of nearby breeding areas, but for most people, a treatment once every 2-4 weeks throughout the summer generally suffices.