3 Things You Need To Know About Power Seeding

Randolph homeowners, this one is for you. We’ve been getting a lot of inquiries from your neighborhood about power seeding, so we’re writing this post to share the essential information you need to know.

#1: Power Seeding is the Fastest Cure for a Weak Lawn

Speed matters! If you’ve got brown, bare patches in your lawn due to grub damage, sunburn, or kids and pets having too much fun, you want them fixed fast. Why wait weeks or even months for traditionally sown grass seed to do its thing? Power seeding means fast results: you’ll have a lawn you’ll be proud of before you know it.

#2: Power Seeding puts your grass seed in direct contact with the soil.

To get great grass, your seeds need soil to provide vital nutrients and support. If the grass seed is just scattered on top of the soil, it’s getting minimal contact, and it’s hard for the grass to grow. Power seeding uses the powerful Turf Tamer, a proprietary technology that agitates the soil and distributes the grass seed to the right planting depth. This optimizes the growing conditions for the seed; surrounded by nutrient rich dirt, the grass seed can thrive and flourish.

If you’re not sure about the condition of your soil, talk to your Randolph lawn service. They can perform tests and advise you about what nutrients your lawn may be lacking. Most lawns do better with at least a little fertilizer; with severely compromised soil, a more intense approach may be required.

#3: You can save $50 on Power Seeding if you act now!

For a limited time, your Randolph lawn service is offering $50 off power seeding when you sign up for your annual lawn care package. What a great deal! Find out more here.