Weed Control in Charleston: How We Can Help  

Close up of blades of grass showing weed control in CharlestonWeeds can take root and thrive anywhere there is soil and sunlight. That makes your lawn a prime target. As they spread, they’ll also crowd out your grass, eating away at key resources, like nutrients, space, and water. That’s where Lawn Doctor of Charleston can help. As a top choice for local weed control in Charleston, SC, we have what it takes to deal with species of all kinds, suppressing growth and stopping future generations from getting established. Here’s how we do it.

Weed Control for Charleston Lawns in 3 Easy Steps

Weeds pose a challenge for many local homeowners. Not only are they hard to get out of your yard, but there’s no single product you can use against them all. Instead, if you want the most effective form of weed control, you need a better way.

That’s where our annual Lawn Maintainer program comes in. With it, Lawn Doctor of Charleston offers a comprehensive, multi-step approach to controlling weeds. We’ll inspect your yard and identify its unique traits first, including the kinds of weeds in it. We’ll then tailor a series of treatments, delivered throughout the growing season that include:

Pre-emergent control. Before weeds gain a foothold in your yard, Lawn Doctor of Charleston will target and suppress them in the early stages of growth, as they’re still under the surface of the soil.

Post-emergent suppression. We’ll also deal with the existing infestation you have in your yard, driving it out, while also ensuring future weeds don’t take root and spread.

Preventative care. To keep weeds in check, we’ll support healthier turf and stronger natural defenses through regular fertilization applications. This will also help your lawn look healthier and more beautiful, too.

Lawn Doctor of Charleston Better Weed Control Coverage

To deliver the best in weed control, Lawn Doctor of Charleston offers top-quality equipment exclusive to our company. We’ll treat your yard quickly and efficiently, providing even coverage throughout every inch of your lawn. This not only ensures consistent results from one service visit to the next, but also healthier, more beautiful long-term growth.

Ready to learn more? Contact Lawn Doctor of Charleston today at (843) 873-5711 and set up a free consultation. We offer weed control in the Charleston, SC area, including in Mount Pleasant, West Ashley, Summerville, James Island, and North Charleston.