Lawn Services in Mount Pleasant: Tips to Keep Your Lawn Healthy This Summer

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass showing lawn services in Mount PleasantIs your yard taking a beating this summer? If so, you’re not alone. This season is one of intense stress for local turf, thanks to heat and drought. Instead of struggling with how to care for your lawn, let the team at Lawn Doctor of Charleston help. As experts in lawn service in Mount Pleasant, Charleston, West Ashley, and other nearby areas in SC, we know how to protect it and keep it healthy and growing strong this season and in the ones ahead. For instance, when you hire us you can expect:

Guidance and advice. Making sure your lawn stands strong during the hottest days of the year requires proper mowing and watering. If you don’t handle these key tasks correctly, then it leads to more stress and vulnerabilities. But when you hire our team for lawn services, we’ll advise you on the exact right steps to take, from mowing your grass to the right height to watering deeply yet infrequently.

Fertilization treatments for your turf. Once your lawn is properly mowed and watered, it also has to be nourished, too. However, this is a sensitive task that needs to be timed right and delivered using the best blend of nutrients. That’s where our fertilization services come in. You can count on our lawn service team to fortify your grass and help it recover from the Mount Pleasant area’s seasonal stress, all without burnout or damage.

Care for your larger plantings. When it comes to your trees and shrubs, summer can take a toll on your larger plantings, too. With Lawn Doctor of Charleston, we offer a program especially designed for them that includes routine inspections, disease and insect control, and fertilization applications. This ensures your trees and shrubs can maintain excellent health and stand strong in the weeks ahead.

Call Our Experts in Lawn Services from Mount Pleasant for a Free Consultation

If you’re on the fence as to whether you need professional help, give Lawn Doctor of Charleston a call. We offer free lawn service consultations to customers across the tri-county area, giving you a no-cost, convenient way to learn more about the difference we can make in your yard.

Ready to get started? Call Lawn Doctor of Charleston at (843) 873-5711 to schedule your free consultation. You’ll get a chance to learn more about our lawn services for the Mount Pleasant, Charleston, West Ashley, Summerville, James Island, and North Charleston, SC areas.