Yard Care in New Brunswick: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Lawn Doctor expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Yard Care in New Brunswick

Knowing which steps to take to effectively maintain your home’s outdoor spaces can be tricky when there’s so much misinformation out there. And while much of this information is harmless and simply results in wasted time, some of it can lead to significant issues with your lawn’s health and appearance. Below, we’ll examine a few of the most common myths surrounding yard care in the New Brunswick, NJ area to help you avoid taking steps that could harm your lawn.

Common Lawn Care Myths

There’s a wide range of lawn care myths out there. Here’s a closer look at a few of them:

Everyday watering is ideal. Watering grass is where many DIY lawn care mistakes pop up, and one of the most common mistakes is watering every single day. Everyday watering is problematic because it causes shallow root systems and grass that’s generally less resilient. For a healthier lawn, make sure to water deeply once or twice per week.

It doesn’t matter when you water your grass. Another common watering mistake is watering at the wrong time of day. Watering in the afternoon causes water to evaporate too quickly, and watering at night causes water to evaporate too slowly, potentially leading to mildew and other lawn diseases. For the best results, water early in the morning.

Thatch is harmful. Thatch, the layer of organic material that sits on top of your soil, can raise questions for skeptical homeowners. However, thatch only becomes an issue when a thick layer of it is allowed to accumulate on your lawn. A thin layer of thatch is completely normal for a healthy lawn, and stressing out over every bit of thatch that forms will simply waste your time.

Our Proven Yard Care in New Brunswick

Working with our team at Lawn Doctor of SE Mercer & Middlesex County means getting results you can trust. We implement proven treatments with top-of-the-line lawn care products and advanced tools to maximize the results we’re able to achieve. And with our guarantee, we’ll bring you peace of mind through every step of the process.

We offer professional yard care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • New Brunswick
  • Hamilton Township
  • Middlesex County
  • Trenton
  • Woodbridge
  • Somerset
  • Princeton Junction
  • Mercer County
  • Edison
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For yard care in New Brunswick, contact us today!