Fall Lawn Weed Control in Edison

When most people think of treating weeds, spring often comes to mind. But fall is actually an excellent time of year for lawn weed control in the Edison, NJ area. In fact, this season is when many of the most stubborn weed varieties are susceptible to treatments, making the products you apply highly effective. So before you pack up all your lawn care tools for winter, here’s what you need to know about fall weed control and why it’s so effective.

Lawn Weed Control: Why Fall is the Ideal Time in the Edison Area

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing lawn weed control in Edison

During the spring and summer months, perennial weeds – which are those that grow back each year – are moving energy and carbohydrates upward into the stem and foliage of the plants so leaves can grow. This enables weeds to strengthen and mature. However, during fall, this process gets reversed so weeds can store up reserves for the cold weather ahead. That means energy starts traveling downward from the leaves into the root system. As a result, the weed control products you apply at this time of the year in the are more effective since they reach the taproot.

In addition, you can also focus on weeds that are still developing underground and have yet to mature. In fact, there are a range of weeds that germinate in the fall, like corn speedwell, henbit, and common chickweed, and you can treat and control them with an application before the cold weather hits. While you won’t notice a big difference this fall, come springtime, the weed populations in your lawn should be significantly reduced.

Beyond Lawn Weed Control: Other Treatments to Focus on in Fall

During fall, there’s more that homeowners should do than just weed control. When you combine weed treatments with fall fertilization, you’ll give your lawn what it needs to successfully survive winter weather and come back stronger than ever in the spring. In addition, in the future, a healthy, dense lawn is your best defense against weed invasions because it blocks sunlight from reaching germinating seeds and crowds out potential threats from growing in.

Interested in professional help in your lawn? At Lawn Doctor of SE Mercer & Middlesex County, we offer lawn weed control and fertilization to customers across Edison, Middlesex County, New Brunswick, Woodbridge, Somerset, and Trenton as well as Princeton Junction, Mercer County, and other nearby central NJ areas. Call (732) 246-1101 today to learn more with a free consultation.