Lawn Weed Control in Midland: Stop Invaders with a Treatment Plan

Close up of blades of grass showing lawn weed control in MidlandTired of weeds being a persistent problem every year? Whether it’s dandelion and chickweed or crabgrass and clover, the best way to gain the upper hand is with a plan. For homeowners across the Midland, MI area, effective lawn weed control begins with:

  • Correct cultural practices. Many times, mistakes made with mowing and watering can actually weaken your lawn and contribute to an infestation. However, when grass is thick and strong, it will discourage competition from weeds. That’s why practices, such as keeping grass blades longer when you cut, are so important. In addition, avoid light watering, which teaches roots to grow near the soil’s surface, putting them at risk.
  • Feeding your lawn. Your turf needs a good diet in order to maintain optimal health. Oftentimes, soil conditions don’t provide adequate levels of key nutrients. Fertilization is therefore necessary to fuel thicker growth and improved natural defenses. If you’re not sure which kind to apply, perform a soil test first, so you can identify the nutrient content and exact gaps that need to be filled.
  • Dealing with diseases and insects. When diseases and insects harm your lawn, it can often leave bare spots behind. Make sure you’re filling the void with seeding. If there’s a particular area where turfgrass won’t grow due to too much shade or foot traffic, then mulch these spots to suppress and stop weeds from re-emerging.
  • Treating tough weeds. The best way to control weeds is with a comprehensive effort. This should include treating your lawn before germination in the Midland area with a pre-emergent lawn weed control product. Also, for those varieties active on the surface, hit them with a post-emergent product after rainfall. The moisture will ensure it better sticks to leaves, improving absorption rates.

The Midland Area’s Lawn Weed Control Team: Leave the Work to Us!

Good lawn weed control in the Midland area takes more than a bag or a bottle of herbicide. It’s important to identify the types in your lawn and time applications correctly. It’s also vital to uncover any underlying factors undermining lawn health. There are certainly many aspects involved, which is why so many homeowners leave treatments in the hands of Lawn Doctor of Mid-Michigan. We’ll inspect your yard, develop a tailor-made plan, and then get and keep your turf in great shape for the growing season ahead.

For a free service estimate, call Lawn Doctor of Mid-Michigan today at (989) 652-8750. Our annual and seasonal lawn weed control is offered in many Midland, MI-area communities, from Frankenmuth, and Freeland to Bay City, Saginaw, and beyond.