Lawn Weed Control Treatment Plans in Edmond Stop Lawn Invaders

Close up of blades of grass showing lawn weed control in EdmondWhether it’s crabgrass, henbit, dandelion, chickweed, or one of the countless other species, a lawn full of weeds can be frustrating for any homeowner. Different weeds require different approaches to treatment, which is why one-size-fits-all weed treatments can often only produce limited results. At Lawn Doctor of Edmond-OKC, we bring our neighboring homeowners comprehensive lawn weed control treatments to effectively address all the weeds in their lawn and keep them from coming back. Local homeowners spanning the Edmond, Piedmont, Arcadia, and North Oklahoma City, OK areas count on our list of weed control plans for effective relief and long-lasting protection from pesky, invasive weeds.

How Our Technicians Control Lawn Weeds in Edmond

Clearing your lawn of weeds can be a tricky task when you’re administering treatment on your own. DIY treatments can produce varied results and some store-bought products can even harm your lawn if you’re too heavy-handed during application. When you choose our lawn weed control treatments at Lawn Doctor of Edmond-OKC, you can count on precise applications of advanced products for results you can depend on. There are two main types of weeds that pop up in the Edmond area, here is a brief look at how we fight them:

Broadleaf Weeds

Broadleaf weeds, including dandelion and henbit, are bulky and can quickly take a toll on your lawn’s appearance. Because broadleaf weeds are tenacious, lawn weed control products that target them can often be tough on your grass in Edmond. We implement cutting-edge broadleaf weed control treatments that effectively eradicate broadleaf weeds while leaving the rest of your lawn unharmed.

Grassy Weeds

Crabgrass, goosegrass, dallisgrass and other grassy weeds can be particularly troublesome for the average homeowner because of their underground stems. These stems allow grassy weeds to grow back if the above-ground plant parts are damaged. To prevent this regeneration, we target grassy weeds stem systems with our proven pre-emergent weed control treatments.

Our Long-Term Lawn Weed Control Programs at Lawn Doctor of Edmond-OKC

Weeds are an ongoing problem, and they require an ongoing solution for year-round relief. We offer comprehensive ongoing lawn weed control treatments to keep your yard in Edmond protected from these invasive plants from season-to-season. We’ll help you set the ideal schedule for maximized results and unbeatable convenience.

Call Lawn Doctor of Edmond-OKC today at (405) 509-2266 to schedule your free service estimate and to learn more about the comprehensive lawn weed control programs we offer to homeowners in Edmond, Piedmont, Arcadia, North Oklahoma City, Yukon, Mustang and the surrounding communities.