Lawn Weed Control Service in Farmingdale

Lawn Doctor expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Lawn Weed Control Service in FarmingdaleLong Island is home to all kinds of invasive plant species, from plantain to crabgrass. Every spring, homeowners in Farmingdale have to keep an eye out for new growth. But what if you didn’t have to? With expert lawn weed control services from Lawn Doctor of Long Island, you can skip the hassles of dealing with invasive plant species.

We offer different treatments based on the needs of your property. One common recommendation is pre-emergent treatment. Let’s review what this entails.

4 Important Details About Pre-Emergents in Farmingdale 

Pre-emergents can seem like magic: they stop invasive plant species before they’ve even started growing! But they’re just another part of an effective, long-term lawn care strategy. Let’s take a look:

  • They can target broadleaf and grassy plants. There’s never a single, simple solution for weed control, and pre-emergents are no exception. They can target many of the more pesky plants in Farmingdale, both broadleaf and grassy varieties. That includes crabgrass, quackgrass, dandelion, and clover.
  • They offer prevention. Pre-emergents do their work below the surface and should be applied before you start seeing any new growth. Earlier is often better. Once they’re in the soil, they offer crucial prevention, keeping plants like crabgrass from producing seedlings.
  • They must be applied on a schedule. Because pre-emergents have a preventative impact, they must be applied based on specific plants’ germination schedules. On Long Island, first treatments should start in early spring. Fortunately, your lawn weed control service can advise you on proper timing and ensure pre-emergents are applied as needed.
  • They can be used throughout the yard. Weeds don’t just stay put on your lawn—they’re also likely sprouting up in flowerbeds, vegetable gardens, and other areas of your yard. Pre-emergents aren’t limited to your lawn either. They can be applied as needed throughout your yard.

Expert and Seasonal Lawn Weed Control Services 

You don’t have to deal with weeds or other aspects of lawn care on your own. Our technicians offer seasonal, expert lawn weed control services in many towns on Long Island, including:

  • Farmingdale
  • Hicksville
  • Massapequa
  • Port Washington
  • Plainview
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

Enjoy the beauty of your thriving, weed-free outdoors with Lawn Doctor of Long Island. Contact us today to get started with our guaranteed lawn weed control services in Farmingdale!