Lawn Treatment in Massapequa: Options for Struggling Turf

Green grass in the front yard, lawn treatment MassapequaFrom extreme swings in temperature to extensive foot traffic and external issues such as weeds and exposure to plant diseases, your yard experiences significant stress. If this stress has led to a struggling state of health, investing in lawn treatments from Lawn Doctor of Long Island can help you get your grass back to thriving green conditions.

At Lawn Doctor of Long Island, we offer alternatives other companies cannot, like our proprietary all-natural alternative to fungicide called HYDRA GUARD. This product is revolutionary at reducing heat stress and turf disease. It works better than unhealthy fungicides and costs less!! And you can only get it from Lawn Doctor of Long Island. Working in Massapequa and nearby communities, our professional team members are equipped with the knowledge and tools to diagnose and care for delicate lawns that need a boost in order to experience lasting health.

How We May Suggest Treating Your Struggling Lawn

Because numerous problems could be plaguing your lawn, we’ll go about identifying and addressing each issue one by one. Instead of using a copy-and-pasted program that may not suit your yard’s needs, we’ll conduct an in-depth analysis and then build a customized treatment plan from scratch. You can find some examples of the services we may recommend below:

  • Lawn Fertilization. Our fertilization treatments make use of nutrient-rich formulas that steadily release a healthy, balanced diet and increase the resilience of grass to lay the foundation for a healthier appearance.
  • Power Seeding. Patchy, uneven turf is often in need of seeding, a process that we complete with precision thanks to our exclusive high-tech Turf Tamer® equipment.
  • pH Balancing. Soil that is overly acidic or too far on the alkaline side of the pH scale must be balanced to give grass a healthy space for growth. We offer both professional pH testing and balancing lime-based soil treatments.
  • Hydra Guard. Our all-natural alternative to fungicide allows the lawn to absorb 2x the water it otherwise could through it’s relatively small root system in hot months. As a result, the lawn’s own immune system stays robust and fights off turf diseases and heat stress without having to use unhealthy and costly fungicides.

Start Benefiting From Our Lawn Treatments in Massapequa!

Our process for addressing the needs of struggling lawns includes a detailed approach and individualized care. If you want to give your yard the best bet at regaining its health and reaching its potential for plush, green grass growth, simply get started with a customized lawn care program built by our experienced team.

We take pride in offering our services on Long Island, in communities such as:

  • Massapequa
  • Long Island
  • Farmingdale
  • Port Washington
  • Hicksville
  • Plainview
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For lawn treatments in Massapequa,contact us today!