Weed Control in Reading: How We Can Help

Close up of blades of grass showing weed control in ReadingWhether it’s crabgrass, chickweed, dandelion, or another variety, weed control for Reading and Lebanon, PA-area homeowners is often a problem. Species are stubborn once they get established and even if you successfully get rid of them, it’s often not before they’ve dropped seeds. This leads to future infestations and more fighting. Instead of struggling, turn to the team at Lawn Doctor of Lebanon and Berks. We have all the techniques, tools, and products necessary to help you win the war on weeds during the growing season. Here’s how.

Weed Control for Reading-Area Lawns in 3 Easy Steps

Weeds can be tricky since there are so many species, along with different products available to treat them. It can be hard to know which to choose and when to apply them. But with Lawn Doctor of Lebanon and Berks’ Lawn Maintainer program, we can offer you weed control on a schedule carefully timed around the Reading area’s growing season. It’s designed to treat weeds at every level, keep future growth in check, and cultivate a healthier, stronger lawn overall. It works by delivering a series of applications that include:

  • Broadleaf and grassy weed control. Most weeds fall into one of these two categories. With Lawn Doctor of Lebanon and Berks, we’ll get to them all, suppressing their growth and stopping their spread in your yard.
  • Pre-emergent weed control. We’ll also treat seedlings as they’re just developing below the surface of the soil, preventing them from popping up in your yard and populating it with a new generation.
  • Routine fertilization. Our fertilization applications rely on enriched, slow-release products that improve the strength and vigor of your lawn, building up defenses that help your grass naturally crowd out weeds.

Turf Tamer® Equipment: For Better Weed Control Coverage

With Lawn Doctor of Lebanon and Berks, you’ll get a proven approach to weed control, delivered using equipment not available anywhere else in the Reading area. In fact, with our Turf Tamer line, you can depend on our team for the most consistent coverage possible across every inch of your lawn. We won’t miss any spots, nor will we harm your existing turf. Not only that, but thanks to the 16-horsepower engine it’s designed with, we’ll also service your lawn quickly and efficiently. This all leads to beautiful, healthy, and uniform results with each treatment.

Ready to get started? Contact Lawn Doctor of Lebanon and Berks PA today at (717) 270-0981 and set up a free consultation to find out more about our weed control in Reading and other nearby areas.