Fall Lawn Care in Reading: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in ReadingWant your lawn to wake up beautiful next spring? Before it goes to sleep for winter, you need to invest some time and effort now. When you do, you’ll give your turf all it needs to recover from summer and build up reserves for the cold weather months. So what steps are important to take? Lawn Doctor of Lebanon and Berks has the answers you need. As top fall lawn care specialists in the Reading, PA area, we’ve created an easy checklist to help you take advantage of this critical phase in your yard’s life. Here’s a look at what to do:

Rake. Before snow starts falling, rake up dead leaves. Otherwise, they’ll create a wet, dark layer that blocks out sunlight and traps in moisture, resulting in an environment that’s perfect for diseases to get started.

Cut. Continue to care for your lawn by mowing it routinely throughout the Reading area’s fall season. Right before winter, you can cut it a bit shorter, which will reduce the risk of snow mold and also ensure grass blades don’t shade out new growth.

Fertilize. Before your lawn goes dormant, it’s working hard to store up energy to sustain roots through winter and support robust growth and rich color next spring. Just make sure you fertilize earlier in the season, before it gets too cold for roots to absorb nutrients.

Aerate. When you have heavy clay soil, or if your yard gets a lot of use, soil will get easily compacted. This compresses roots, stopping air, water, and nutrients from reaching them. The good news is you can easily relieve this condition through aeration.

Reseed. In the Reading area, early in the fall is prime time for seeding bare areas or a weak lawn overall. This will not only help your lawn look thicker and more beautiful in the seasons ahead, but also build up stronger defenses.

Let Reading’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

Don’t let scheduling conflicts get in the way of a beautiful lawn. If you don’t have the time or energy to handle all these fall lawn care steps, turn to the team in the Reading area who does: Lawn Doctor of Lebanon and Berks. All you have to do is continue with maintenance, like mowing and raking, and we’ll do the rest. It starts with a careful assessment and custom treatments and ends with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of Lebanon and Berks at (717) 270-0981 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in the Reading and Lebanon, PA areas.