It’s Time for Tick Control in Orange County NY

Tick Control in Orange County NY

Are you ready for a better way to get ticks out of your lawn and away from your loved ones this year? Lawn Doctor of Orange County NY has the solution you’ve been looking for. We’re here with tick control that is designed with the conditions of the Orange County NY area in mind, making our control region-specific and as effective as possible. You can simply kick back in a yard where you have more confidence and comfort, every time you step outside.

How Our Tick Control in Orange County NY Works

Our team knows that effective tick control takes more than just a DIY spray. You need to focus on the life cycle of the tick and the many points of the season when they’re a threat. That’s where our Yard Armour® program comes in. With it, we offer a comprehensive approach that will safeguard you and your family through:

Proactive barrier sprays. From the start of the tick season, we’ll stop pests from getting into your yard so they don’t become a problem.

Powerful control. If you already have ticks in your yard, we will wipe out activity with a blend of treatments designed to eliminate them.

Ongoing suppression. During the tick control season, we’ll revisit your lawn at several points so your defenses are always as high as possible.

Lawn Doctor of Orange County NY is your source for treatments to stop ticks, as well as education on how you can make your lawn less appealing to them going forward. We’ll give you a range of tips and advice, from cutting back tall grasses and overgrown areas to erecting a fence or putting in plants that deter the deer and mice that carry ticks into your yard. We’ll work with you to ensure your family is well-protected during the weeks and months ahead.

Get Control Over Ticks in Your Yard

Lawn Doctor of Orange County NY offers you a level of tick control that you won’t find elsewhere thanks to experienced technicians, premium and proven products, and a satisfaction guarantee that’s one of the best around. It’s our promise to you and all of our customers that we will make it right if you’re not happy. If you’re ready to put our tick control team into action, we’re a call away in:

For effective and affordable tick control in Orange County NY, contact us today and set up your free consultation and estimate!