Fall Lawn Care in Orange County, NY: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in Orange County NYDuring autumn, your lawn is working hard. It’s recovering after a summer of heat, stress, and excessive foot traffic, all while preparing for a harsh New York winter ahead. What can you do to help the process? As local experts in fall lawn care, Lawn Doctor of Orange County NY has the answers you need. When you take a few key steps now, you can set your yard up for better health, growth, and color in the next growing season. Here’s a look at what to do:

Rake up fallen leaves. A matted layer of wet leaves creates the ideal atmosphere for diseases and insects to make a home in your yard. That’s where raking comes in and why it’s so important to do regularly, around once a week.

Cut grass until the first hard frost. Your grass is still growing until the first hard frost hits. So continue to mow, cutting it a little shorter prior to winter to reduce the chance of snow mold occurring.

Keep your lawn well-nourished and fortified. That final fertilization application during the Orange County, NY area’s fall is the most important one to check off your lawn care list. It helps grass recover from summer stress and also prepare for winter by building up adequate energy reserves.

Aerate heavy soil to loosen compaction. When soil is compacted, it limits the flow of air, water, and nutrients to roots. You can relieve it, loosening conditions, by aerating your lawn.

Seed bare spots or a weak lawn. Give your turf the boost it needs through seeding. Whether it’s in a few small damaged areas or across your whole lawn, it will look stronger and be able to defend itself better from future threats.

Let Orange County, NY’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

Don’t let your lawn flounder during the autumn season. Instead, give it all it needs for more success next spring with the fall lawn care professionals at Lawn Doctor of Orange County NY. While you get rid of leaves and continue with mowing, we can analyze your turf, identify the best ways we can help, and deliver tailored treatments on a precise schedule. Together, we can get and keep your turf in optimal health, so it comes back brighter and more beautiful than ever in the spring ahead.

Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of Orange County NY at (845) 496-0582 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in the Orange County, NY area, including in Monroe, Middletown, Washingtonville, Newburgh, Montgomery, and Warwick.