Spring Lawn Care in West Ashley: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

extremely green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in West Ashley.

In South Carolina, most lawns are semi-dormant throughout winter, meaning there’s not a lot of growth. As a result, they’re more brittle, making them prone to damage and injury. That’s where Lawn Doctor of Charleston can help. As spring lawn care professionals, we know the treatments to deliver now, during the West Ashley, SC-area winter, to take to protect your yard from problems and promote a beautiful payoff in the next growing season. Here’s what we can do and how you can support our efforts.

How Our West Ashley Spring Lawn Care Experts Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

When your lawn gets winterized properly, you’re essentially paving the way for greener, lusher growth and easier lawn care once spring returns to the West Ashley area. To help with the process, Lawn Doctor of Charleston offers a variety of treatments that include:

Seasonal care. We have a full menu of individual services with many, like fertilization and weed control, ideal at this time of year. To get treatments right, Lawn Doctor of Charleston will first evaluate your yard, so we understand its condition and what it needs most for strong defenses in winter. We’ll then provide you with a tailor-made plan and schedule.

Year-round programs. Beyond our seasonal services, we also offer programs for ongoing care. These include Lawn Maintainer for your turf and Tree and Shrub Care for your larger plantings. Both protect your property with fertilization applications, as well as prevent issues, like weeds, diseases, pests, and insects.

What Lawn Care Steps You Can Take to Create a Strong Comeback in Spring

While Lawn Doctor of Charleston handles these and other treatments, there are some steps you need to take to keep your yard healthy and strong. This includes limiting foot traffic, so grass that’s more vulnerable at this time of the year doesn’t get crushed over the season. It also includes removing any damp leaf piles, as well as toys, furniture, equipment or any other clutter on top of your lawn. These create wet, dark conditions that invite pests and fungal infections.

For more on spring lawn care in West Ashley, SC, contact us today for a free consultation. We also offer spring lawn care in other nearby areas in Northwest Indiana, including in Charleston, Mt. Pleasant, Summerville, James Island, and North Charleston.