How Our Lawn Care Services in Charleston Fix 3 Common Problems

beautiful front yard before a house showing lawn care services in CharlestonYou want a lawn that welcomes you home. Instead, you’re seeing ongoing problems impacting appearance and health. If this sounds familiar, take action and call Lawn Doctor of Charleston. As your local lawn care service team in the Charleston, SC area, we can determine what’s going wrong and arm your lawn with an effective treatment plan. For instance, we can help with:

Problem #1: Low nutrient levels leading to pale color and poor growth.

How we can solve it: Your yard needs a balanced diet for healthy growth. But if important essentials aren’t available, it can make your lawn susceptible to slow growth, discoloration, and spreading weeds and diseases. With our custom lawn care fertilization services, Lawn Doctor of Charleston can offset these problems by improving the nutrient content of your soil. We’ll determine the exact deficiencies and mix products with the right ingredients, promoting richer color and robust growth.

Problem #2: An insect and pest invasion.

How we can solve it: From fire ants, moles, crickets, and chinch bugs to sod webworms, ticks, and mosquitoes, your lawn can host a variety of potentially damaging and dangerous insects and pests. Don’t let them go unchecked. Instead, with lawn care services from Lawn Doctor of Charleston, we can quickly and efficiently control and prevent these unwanted intruders, minimizing damage and the threat to your family’s safety.

Problem #3: Weeds getting out of control.

How we can solve it: Weeds are often high on the list of lawn care concerns. It’s no wonder since so many are stubborn and aggressive. Whether it’s crabgrass or dandelion, Lawn Doctor of Charleston can deliver the solution when you want to crowd them out. We offer lawn care services to tame even the toughest weeds, including both broadleaf and grassy. Our pre-emergent control services are also designed to get to those developing ones in the soil, blocking them from sprouting through the surface.

Charleston’s Lawn Care Service Team: Keeping Your Lawn Healthy & Strong

The best way to ensure problems like the ones above don’t pop up and spread again is with regular attention. That’s where Lawn Doctor of Charleston’s annual lawn care service program – Lawn Maintainer – can help. With it, we’ll deliver the weed treatments, fertilizers, grub control, and the other products your yard needs, on a schedule that includes six to eight applications. Your plan will be completely customized to your lawn, as well as backed by a 100% service guarantee.

Lawn Doctor of Charleston SC is proud to provide local homeowners across communities including Mt. Pleasant, West Ashley, and Summerville with professional lawn care services. Learn more about them with a free consultation by calling (843) 873-5711.