Lawn Weed Control Service in South Shore

Lawn Doctor expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Lawn Weed Control Service in South Shore

Weeds in your lawn can originate from a range of places, including your neighbor’s yard. How can you protect your turf? At Lawn Doctor of South Shore-Cape Cod, it’s a question we often get asked. As a leading provider of lawn weed control services in South Shore, Hingham, and nearby areas in MA, we have the answers. Here’s what to do.

Ways to Beat Back Common Lawn Weeds 

If you’d like to shield your lawn from weeds, whether it’s dandelion, crabgrass or another variety, the best steps you can take include:

Cultivating a healthy lawn. When your grass is thick and strong, it will naturally crowd out young weeds trying to emerge and spread. So, make sure you routinely fertilize it and that thin or patchy areas are seeded. Aerating also ensures ample nutrients, water and oxygen reach down into the root system, boosting growth and thickness.

Mow it to the right height. If you cut your lawn too short, it will get stressed out, making it more vulnerable to weed growth. In addition, when your lawn is too short, more sunlight will reach developing weeds, helping them mature and spread. To avoid this, cut your grass to approximately three inches in height. This will keep it well-maintained and great-looking, yet not stressed out.

Apply a pre-emergent product. When it comes to controlling weeds, early spring is an ideal time to apply a pre-emergent herbicide to your lawn. It will create a chemical barrier in the soil that prevents weeds from sprouting up and spreading across your yard. So, even if there are weed seeds in the soil, they won’t be able to develop.

Mulch in vulnerable areas. If you have areas that are difficult to grow grass in, mulch or cover them with stone. This way, weeds won’t grow there and then infest the rest of your lawn. Apply around two to three inches of mulch or stone when you’re covering an area.

Turn to South Shore’s Top Lawn Weed Control Service

If you’d like professional help from a lawn weed control service, turn to Lawn Doctor of South Shore-Cape Cod. We’ll evaluate your yard, identify factors contributing to weed growth, and create a tailor-made plan designed around it. We’ll also give you tips on the best maintenance practices, so you can keep your grass in great shape between visits.

Our weed control services are available in:

  • South Shore
  • Hingham
  • Cape Cod
  • Plymouth
  • Hanson
  • Brockton
  • Hanover
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Contact us for a free quote and to find out why we’re leaders in lawn weed control services in South Shore, MA.