Grub Control In Hanson: 4 Signs Of Grub Problems

grub control in Hanson

Are you aware of the most common signs of grub infestations that suggest the need for immediate grub control treatments? Grubs dwell underground, so you’re more likely to notice signs of their activity rather than see them crawling about. Understanding what telltale signs to watch out for can help you get started with the necessary treatments before grubs destroy your lawn in Hanson.

Red Flags Signaling A Need For Grub Control

At Lawn Doctor of South Shore, we know how important it is for homeowners to become familiar with the signs of a grub infestation. If these pests are active in your lawn, you might:

  • See green grass go brown. Grubs are often responsible for randomly shaped brown patches. Their feeding activity harms grassroots and prevents grass blades from taking in all the necessary nutrients and water they need to stay green.
  • Notice inconsistent grass texture. When grubs attack grass roots, they can also change the way turf feels underfoot. As a result, you might find that a few spots feel soft or bouncy, like fresh sod, when you walk over them. This sensation should be a warning sign that you likely have a grub problem on your hands.
  • Watch beetles hover about. Beetles are a sure sign that you should get started with preventative grub control treatments. These flying creatures will hover over your grass to find the perfect spot to lay their eggs. In time, grubs will hatch from these eggs and start feasting on your lawn.
  • Suspect visits from scavengers. Does your lawn appear to have been torn up by nocturnal creatures such as skunks or raccoons? These animals are known to feed on grubs, and they’ll dig into the soil once they catch the scent of this tiny pest.

We Can Diagnose And Treat Your Grub Problem In Hanson

If you are dealing with perplexing changes in your lawn and think grubs may be to blame, don’t hesitate to contact our trusted lawn care company. We are a local service that has plenty of experience with banishing grubs and preventing their return. Reach out to us to come by for an initial evaluation, during which we can diagnose grub problems and other lawn health issues. Then, we can apply proven formulas to treat your lawn in:

  • Hanson
  • South Shore
  • Plymouth
  • Brockton
  • Hanover
  • Or a community in the surrounding area

For grub control in Hanson,contact us today!