Summer Grass Care in Garner: Tips For Summer Drought

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Garner

During the dry summer months, some small adjustments can make a huge difference. In addition to our expert grass care in the Garner area, Lawn Doctor of Southern Wake County is eager to share our guidance for protecting your lawn and conserving water during this hot and dry season. Let’s go over some key ways to reduce water consumption while preserving a lush and healthy green lawn.

Summer Grass Care Tips for Garner Area Lawns

Your lawn needs the right amount of moisture in order to survive, but water is precious this time of year, so it’s important to be efficient. By following the steps below, you can provide your grass with the proper amount of water while helping your community get through the summer drought. Here are our tips:

  • Water Less Often. Every time you water your lawn, about 3,000 gallons of water are used. So, if you can eliminate even one watering session, you can save a tremendous amount of water. Each region is different, so check with your local county to determine how many days per week you should water your lawn during the dry season. However, you should still be watering .3 inch each time you water. Don’t under water when you run your sprinklers and cut out a day. Remember, your lawn is a plant and plants need water to survive, so be efficient when watering! Measure how much you are watering by placing a flat bottom and straight sided pan in the center of the watering pattern and run the sprinkler until you get .3 inches in the container.
  • Don’t Water if It’s Windy. This is a waste of water since winds above 5 mph will simply blow water around to areas where it is not needed.
  • Water at the Right Time. Watering in the early morning is most efficient, as the conditions allow for your grass to absorb the right amount of moisture.
  • Raise Your Mower. Taller grass creates deeper roots, which help your lawn access water. This leads to less evaporation loss, due to the shade provided to the roots and soil. We recommend setting your mowing blades to about 3.5 – 4 inches for Fescue grass and 2 – 3 inches for warm season grasses.

Professional Grass Care In Your Community

The summer can be rough on your grass, but with dedicated support from trusted professionals, your lawn will remain in top shape. At Lawn Doctor of Southern Wake County, we provide a wide array of grass care services to keep your grass healthy, green, and strong. Our friendly professionals offer convenient, affordable, and effective treatments, backed up by our leading guarantee. We are proud to offer our detail-driven support throughout:

  • Garner
  • Fuquay Varina
  • Holly Springs
  • Clayton
  • Knightdale
  • Willow Springs
  • and the surrounding areas

For grass care in Garner, contact us today.