Lawn Aeration in Middlesex County

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Aeration in Middlesex County

Having trouble growing healthy turf on your lawn? Seeing patches of thin, brittle, and yellowy grass, even with regular watering and proper fertilization? The culprit could be poorly aerated soil. Thankfully, this problem is easy to solve with our lawn aeration services for Middlesex County.

With a core aeration treatment from Lawn Doctor of SE Mercer & Middlesex County, you can fix issues caused by compacted soil or built-up lawn thatch—both of which can be deadly for turf grass.

Below, we’ll take a look at why aeration is so important for turf and how our core aeration treatments help.

The Importance of Lawn Aeration in Middlesex County

Lawn aeration can be a trouble-point for homeowners in Middlesex County. A lot of homeowners take care to water their turf regularly and fertilize at the right times. But they forget to schedule regular aeration treatments.

As a result, patches of struggling turf start to show up in the middle of what should be a pristine yard!

The reason for these struggling patches is a lack of air, water, and nutrients. If soil is well aerated, air and water can filter through small gaps and seams in the soil to reach turf’s roots. When soil is poorly aerated, these gaps get sealed off. This cuts off the supply of air and water your turf needs.

The main cause of poor aeration is compacted soil, which occurs when heavy objects, foot traffic, or pooling water causes soil to become tightly packed. Another cause is lawn thatch—a layer of dead plant matter that builds up on the soil’s surface. When this layer becomes too thick, it can stop air and water from reaching the soil underneath.

If you’re wondering whether your lawn is suffering from aeration problems, you can use the screwdriver test. Pick a spot where turf is struggling and try to insert a screwdriver into the soil. If it takes effort to insert the screwdriver, that’s a strong sign of aeration problems.

Alternatively, just call our lawn care experts. We’ll be more than happy to diagnose the issue for you!

Core Aeration in Your Area

Lawn Doctor of SE Mercer & Middlesex County offers an easy, affordable, and proven way to fix aeration problems on your lawn.

We use a technique called core aeration, which takes small cylinders (or cores) of soil out of your lawn. This allows soil to loosen and resettle, creating the gaps and seams needed for healthy turf, with long-lasting results.

Our core aeration services are available in:

  • Middlesex County
  • Hamilton Township
  • Mercer County
  • New Brunswick
  • Woodbridge
  • Somerset
  • Trenton
  • Princeton Junction
  • Edison
  • and throughout the surrounding areas

For lawn aeration in Middlesex County, contact us today!