Lawn Care Services in Commack: Fertilization 101

extremely green grass photo fills entire frame showing lawn care services in CommackSeeing yellow grass, patchy growth, and more weeds than ever? As a professional lawn care service team in the Commack area, we know that these are often signs that your soil is deficient. This simply means it’s not giving grass the key essentials it needs for healthy growth, color, and appearance. Overcoming this issue is easy with fertilization.

However, before you break open the bag of fertilizer, there are a few key things to know. Here are some commonly asked questions and answers so you get the job done right:

Why does my lawn need fertilizer? Your grass needs 16 different minerals to grow healthy and strong. The soil it’s rooted in provides some of these. However, there are certain major nutrients, like nitrogen and potassium, that are required in vast quantities. Due to issues like leaching, these aren’t typically available in large enough amounts. As a result, unless you fertilize your lawn, it will experience deficiencies, leading to discoloration, poor growth, and more susceptibility to weeds and diseases.

When should I apply it? Grasses are either warm- or cool-season. Warm-season lawns tend to be more prevalent in the South. Cool-season grasses, however, perform well in the local area with lawn care fertilization services best delivered at the end of summer, in fall, and in early spring.

How often should I wait between applications? You can over-fertilize your lawn, which will not only cause damage to your yard’s health, but can also harm the environment as well. That’s why a measured approach is key. As lawn care service experts, we typically recommend applications timed every six to eight weeks. However, your lawn might require fewer feedings depending on its overall health.

Are there any steps to take before or after? If you want to get the most from your fertilizer treatments, aerating your soil first can help. This process will open up pathways in which nutrients can better flow to the root zone. In addition, water your soil both before and after you fertilize so the product you apply gets soaked in.

The Commack Area’s Choice for Fertilization and Lawn Care Services

If you want to make the most of fertilization with a professional lawn care service team in the Commack area, connect with Lawn Doctor of The North Shore. We can expertly assess your yard, tailor our services to meet its exact needs, and then get to work producing a lawn you can enjoy more. If you’re not 100% pleased with the end result, we even cover our services with a total satisfaction guarantee.

Lawn Doctor of The North Shore is here for you with expert lawn care services in and around Commack, NY as well as in other nearby communities in Suffolk County. Call (631) 244-0448 today to book your free assessment.