Lawn Maintenance in Galloway: Tips for Thicker Growth

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Maintenance in Galloway

A lush covering of turf is the telltale sign of a well-maintained lawn. However, it takes a comprehensive approach to support thick grass growth effectively, and it can be tough to navigate all the moving parts of the process without help from professionals. With our proven approach and comprehensive treatment programs, our professional lawn maintenance helps Galloway, NJ, residents achieve and maintain thick grass. Below, we’ll take a look at some key tips for grass growth to help you get a head start.

Top Tips for Thicker Grass

There’s a lot that goes into growing thick grass. Here’s a quick look at a few key tips for achieving a lush covering of turf and how our team can help you get the job done right:

Effective Fertilization

Fertilization is one of the most important parts of thick, healthy grass growth. Your yard relies on a healthy balance of nutrients not only to grow healthy grass but also to fend off external threats. And while phosphorous is important when it comes to maintaining thick grass, it needs to be balanced with potassium and the other nutrients required for a healthy lawn. That’s where our professional lawn fertilization solutions come in.


When soil is compacted, it prevents resources like water and oxygen from nourishing your lawn’s root systems. Restoring the circulation of these resources is crucial when it comes to supporting the development of thick grass, which is where aeration comes in. With our cutting-edge core aeration treatments, we’ll use heavy-duty equipment to break up compacted soil and allow resources to circulate freely under your lawn’s surface.

Weed Control

Fighting off weeds is essential not only because these invasive plants are unattractive but also because they can take resources away from your grass. At Lawn Doctor of Atlantic County, we utilize comprehensive weed control solutions to quickly and effectively eliminate both pre-emergent and post-emergent weeds, helping your yard stay healthier in the long run.

Our Hassle-Free Lawn Maintenance in Galloway

Achieving a lush, green covering of grass doesn’t have to be a headache. With our hassle-free applications, you don’t even have to be at home for our team to bring out the best in your yard.

We offer top-notch lawn maintenance to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Galloway
  • Atlantic County
  • Egg Harbor Township
  • Linwood
  • Mays Landing
  • Hammonton
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For lawn maintenance in Galloway, contact us today!